Meeting Minutes from September 8, 2024 

by Kacey Carpenter

Marty Hart-Landsberg, Chair opened the meeting at 4:06 pm. 

Welcome and introductions: Martin Hart-Landsberg, Zachariah O’Keeffe, Jim Smith, Dan McCrory, Jonathan Rosenblum, Kacey Carpenter

Agenda: Marty reviewed our Agenda

The Writers Corner 

Members Meeting

  • Organizer committee update and discussion.
    • We have our new logo and buttons and plan to use a union printer to print bookmarks and possibly postcards as part of an organizing kit to be used by chapter members. 
    • An NWU merchandize committee is working to build a “swag” shop that will make it possible for individuals and chapters to order shirts and other swag.
    • Discussion about good value of union shirts, buttons, signs, bookmarks, and postcards with compelling image on front and details about the who, why, and how to join our union
  • NWU Delegate Assembly coming up in November
    • Open to all
    • Jim Smith, Marty Hart-Landsberg, and Bob Rossi will represent the Oregon chapter and plan to meet up to discuss likely issue and how best to represent our members
  • Outreach
    • Marty provided an outreach update.  He has been in contact with the president of the Oregon Society of Professional Journalists and, after reading a few of their newsletters, will work with other chapter members to place a blurb on our work in one of their future newsletters. He is also working to contact someone at the Portland chapter of the Asian American Journalist Association
    • Dan suggests PEN America as a good organization for partner coalition
    • Discussion of promoting our work during Banned Book Week 9/22-9/28 
  • Organizing brainstorm discussion
    • Dan suggested a speakers bureau to speak with students in writing and journalism college classes.
    • Jim suggested building on Freelance campaign that is active in NY and LA in the Pacific Northwest
    • Zachary shared the value of FSP newsletter
    • Discussion about meeting with members from the Pacific Northwest Chapter to share experiences and explore collective organizing strategies.

Our next meeting will be Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 4:00 PM featuring the Writers Corner with Zachariah O’Keeffe. Stay tuned for more details.

The meeting ended at  5:30 pm.

Draft Meeting Minutes from July 14, 2024

by Kacey Carpenter, Agenda

Marty Hart-Landsberg, Chair opened the meeting at 4:03 pm. 

Welcome and introductions: Martin Hart-Landsberg, David D. Levine, Lura Frazey, Bob Rossi, Stefan Ostrach, Joanna Brook, Jonathan Rosenblum, Kacey Carpenter

Agenda: Marty reviewed our Agenda

Writers Corner: Kacey introduced The Writers Corner featuring David D. Levine, the Hugo- and Nebula-winning author of the space caper novel The Kuiper Belt Job. You can watch the video recording of his presentation and Q&A discussion here, “The Future Predicts Science Fiction” here

Meeting Minutes May 19, 2024: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: Lura shared our current report incremental membership dues of $270, hosting fee ($20.18) current balance $7,683.86 with AFL-CIO dues payment pending.

Organizing committee: Marty shared plans for an organizing committee to develop a plan and organizing kit to build awareness. In addition to our new buttons, the goal is to create NWU t-shirts, bookmarks, and other organizing tools with our new logo, a quote from Toni Morrison, url to our website, and scan code.  

  • Quote: “We don’t need any more writers as solitary heroes,” said Toni Morrison in the speech she gave in 1981, on the day a caucus of 3,000 writers gathered to form what would become the NWU. “We need a heroic writers’ movement—assertive, militant, pugnacious. That is our mission and our risk: we have chosen it. It is also our power: we have earned it.” Source: Freelance Solidarity Project
  • Joanna suggested an abbreviated quote on the t-shirts so that the perception is not “we don’t need any more writers.” Perhaps, “We need a heroic writers’ movement—assertive, militant, pugnacious.’
  • Kacey shared that the organizing committee will create concept samples for review and feedback with our members.
  • Bob shared that this is a good thing but emphasized the need to integrate with a strategic plan and target audience.
  • Lura shared that she loved the idea and believes it can work to raise awareness and agreed with Bob that we need a strategy with easy actions and a path to get there.
  • Marty suggested that we add this topic to our next meeting in September.
  • Jonathan agreed these are the right questions and suggested that the strategic plan should address the key issues and needs of the writers in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest to excite people to get involved with a campaign. He suggested that we invite members of the Washington Chapter to collaborate and participate in the upcoming meeting. Action: Kacey will work with Jonathan and the Washington Chapter Chair to invite members to join.


  • Delegate Assembly report: Marty shared that the Delegate Assembly has not been scheduled yet but is planned for October. Marty will represent us as Chair automatically; Bob was elected, and Jim Smith was elected. Still, there is an issue that Jim is not a current member of the Oregon Chapter.
  • Union Unilateral Announcements:  Marty shared background about Unilateral Announcements and the history of NWU and UAW. There is a discussion about current approaches with specific publications given that many freelancers do not work long-term for a single publisher but freelance across many different publications. Three paths include:
    • Target high-profile publishers to create pressure on others
    • Hire Steward staff to support freelancers in the grievance process with these publishers
    • Survey members to better understand needs, issues, and publishers since NWU does not have this information.
    • Discussion:
      • Kacey recommended starting first with the member survey to better understand issues and needs.  
      • David shared that we can learn from the recent Screenwriters Guild grievance process. Also, there is a difference between NWU freelancers and other unions that make us different from organizations such as the UAW since we do not have a collective bargaining agreement and process between staff and management but potentially an infinite number of publications to negotiate with, making the situation different and difficult to sustain. Though it’s important to deal with the world the way it is.
    • New buttons: We have buttons with our new logo available to members. To get your button(s) send an email to Marty with the number of buttons you need and your address. Contact Marty at:

Reports from Labor Council/Chapter Representatives:

  • There were no reports

Open comments:

  • Bob shared a fundraiser for  Linda Tirado. During the George Floyd protests in 2020. She lost an eye and suffered TBI and is now dying of her injuries. Hospice care is expensive. Please contribute if you can and learn more here.

Our next meeting will be Sunday, September 8, 2024, at 4:00 PM featuring the Writers Corner with Kacey Carpenter and a joint meeting with Oregon and Washington Chapter members to collaborate on our organizing strategy and plans as recommended by the organizing committee. Stay tuned for more details.

The meeting ended at 5:20 PM.

Meeting Minutes from May 19, 2024

May 19, 2024 by Kacey Carpenter, agenda and slides

Marty Hart-Landsberg, Chair opened the meeting at 4:06 PM. 

Welcome and introductions: Marty Hart-Landsberg, Gus Frederick, Zachariah O’Keeffe, Pat Riggs-Henson, Lura Frazey, Bob Rossi, Kacey Carpenter

Marty reviewed our agenda

The Writers Corner: Gus Frederick, a native Oregonian, writer, conceptual artist, photographer, filmmaker, and animator presented an overview of the creation of a book using the Lulu Print on Demand service. You can watch the video recording here

Meeting Minutes April 14, 2024: Approved

Meet up in Salem. Lura provided a report on the planning committee for a members in-person meeting in Salem. Bob and Elissa researched options and recommended the Marco Polo Restaurant in downtown Salem with free parking next door. Lura will send a google survey form to all members with several meeting dates to prioritize in June or July (two Saturday options and two Sunday options). 

New buttons: Marty reported that we have 70 member buttons available with our new logo. We plan to distribute them to members at the Members Meeting in Oregon and mail to those not able to attend. If you need buttons sooner, please contact Marty.

T-shirts: Marty reported that NWU national is working on t-shirts with our new logo to be orderable from the website soon. web redesign committee: Marty reported that the committee had created a statement of needs to scope work for a web designer to improve the experience for new and existing members.

Delegate Election and Assembly: All members should have received an email “Candidates Announced for 2024 NWU Elections!” with candidate statements here. As our Oregon Chapter Chair, Marty is automatically included in the Delegate Assembly that will take place in late summer or early fall. Thanks Marty!  In addition, James Smith has submitted his candidacy for this election. Marty is in communication with James about our Oregon Chapter meetings and membership.   Action to all members: Think about what important issues and concerns you want our delegates to bring to the Delegate Assembly including topics such as transparency, grassroots organization at the chapter level, etc… We will discuss it as part of our agenda at our next meeting. 

Future meeting Idea: Marty proposed an idea for future members meeting to invite Jonathan Tasini (former NWU President from Oregon 1990-2003) to speak and share history of Oregon NWU.

Reports from Labor Council/Chapter Representatives:

  • Pat Riggs-Henson raised her concern about the situation with a combination of the two chapters across 6 counties. 
  • Bob Rossi reported on efforts to create a merged Labor Chapter bringing together the Mark-Polk-Yamhill and Linn-Benton-Lincoln labor chapters. This proposed merger will create Oregon’s largest labor chapter. Three NWU members are directly involved in the merger discussions. Bob does not believe that the merger is off to a good start and attributes this to the difficulties of trying to blend different union cultures in a short time frame, tensions between horizontal and vertical unionisms, and disagreements over Oregon AFL-CIO rules and directives.

Open comments:

  • Bob shared that today, May 19, is the anniversary of the Matewan Masscacre. One of the most infamous events of the West Virginia mine wars was a deadly shoot-out in the mining town of Matewan in Mingo County. The incident, which occurred on May 19, 1920, 
  • Bob shared that our next meeting on July 14, will be on the anniversary of the first national railroad strike that began July 14, 1877, also known as the Great Railroad Strike and Great Upheaval.
  • Kacey reminded us that  May 21, 2024. Election Day is Tuesday, May 21 – VOTE then help your family and neighbors! 

Our next meeting will be Sunday, July 14 2024 at 4:00 PM featuring the Writers Corner with David Levine. Stay tuned for more details.

The meeting ended at 5:30 PM.

Meeting Minutes from April 14, 2024 Members Meeting

April 14, 2024 by Kacey Carpenter, agenda and slides

Marty Hart-Landsberg, Chair opened the meeting at 4:05 PM. 

Welcome and introductions: Marty Hart-Landsberg, Michael Funke, Bob Rossi, Kacey Carpenter, Lura Frazey, Zachariah O’Keeffe

Marty reviewed our meeting agenda

Kacey Carpenter, Secretary shared Meeting Minutes March 10, 2024: Approved

Marty shared our proposed future meeting schedule and format that would be the second Sunday alternate months from 4:00 – 5:30 pm. The meeting will combine the Writers Corner with the Members Meeting agenda. Members agreed with the proposal.

Kacey provided a digital tools update.

Treasurer’s report: Lura Frazey, Treasurer and Webmaster reported that we have $7436

Chapter Endorsement Discussion. Bob Rossi led our Chapter Endorsement discussion with reasons for “why not” and “why” for endorsements summarized in the  Endorsement discussion notes. We all discussed the issues. Bob volunteered to convene a meeting with NWU folks and Portland Mercury workers, who are members of the new Index Media Union (NewsGuild-CWA). Zachariah volunteered to engage with some of the local writers and artists he is talking with to help us bring in more people.  

Delegate Assembly: Marty reported on the Delegate Assembly

  • Revised bylaws
  • NWU National is planning a Delegate Assembly in late summer or early fall with a delegate election process coming soon. Chapter Chairs are automatically included in the Delegate Assembly.
  • Election process planned for NWU with 2-year terms
  • New committee formed for Solidarity / Political Education 
  • Marty is also part of a new NWU web page redesign committee
  • New logo with NWU merchandize planned for shirts, hats, hoodies

Reports from Labor Council/Chapter Representatives:

  • Michael Funke, Central Oregon Labor Chapter (COLC) reported: canvassing for local candidate, school levy, and general political stuff.
  • Bob Rossi, Marion-Polk-Yamhill Central Labor Chapter, reported that the goal to combine the two chapters across 6 counties is going well. Bob is supporting the Freedom School Project to support teachers with liberal approach.  

Member meet ups.  Marty proposed we plan an in-person meetup in Salem. We discussed and agreed it would be a good idea to approve a budget for food to encourage turnout and foster relationships. Bob volunteered to help support and Laura volunteered to help plan it. 

Our next meeting will be Sunday, May 19 2024 at 4:00 PM  (the Sunday following Mother’s Day), featuring the Writers Corner with Gus Frederick. Stay tuned for more details.

The meeting ended at 5:20 PM.

Meeting Minutes from March 10, 2024 Membership Meeting

March 10, 2024 by Kacey Carpenter, agenda and slides

Lura Frazey, Treasurer opened the meeting at 4:00 PM.

Members did introductions.

The Writers Corner Program:

-Kacey Carpenter provided a brief overview of the The Writers Corner Program with Sean Weeks, our speaker today, and two speakers on Sunday, May 19, 2024, David D. Levine at 4:00 PM and Gus Frederick at 4:30 PM.

-Sean Weeks delivered his presentation “In the Land of the Blind” with this video recording, followed by questions and appreciation, and discussion of next steps.

Meeting Minutes November 12, 2023: Approved

Treasurer’s report:
-Treasurer Lura Frazey reported that we have at least $7266.54 (pending recent membership dues).

Chapter election results: Stefan Ostrach acted as elections officer in December 2023. There were no opposition candidates nominated resulting in the election of
-Chair: Marty Hart-Landsberg
-Treasurer: Lura Frazey
-Secretary: Bob Rossi
-Steering Committee: Pat Riggs-Henson
-Steering Committee: Kacey Carpenter

Pat Riggs-Henson proposed a motion to approve Kacey Carpenter in the Secretary role. It was approved with one opposed.
-Chair: Marty Hart-Landsberg
-Treasurer: Lura Frazey
-Secretary: Kacey Carpenter
-Webmaster: Lura Frazey
-Steering Committee member: Pat Riggs-Henson

Chapter Endorsements: Pat and Bob led discussion about the importance of NWU Oregon Chapter endorsements and the special circumstances for endorsements. Our chapter previously made endorsements for local issues but not for candidates. It was discussed that we need an endorsement process for the future but due to the circumstances of the cancellation of our January members meeting due to the storm and power outages it was decided to consider endorsing a limited number of candidates.

-Pat Riggs-Henson proposed a motion for a “special circumstances” process that would be limited to this one-time-only situation. The motion passed.

-Pat Riggs-Henson proposed a motion to endorse both Val Hoyle for Oregon Congressional District 4 and James Manning for Oregon Secretary of State. The motion was seconded and passed by the members.

-Pat Riggs-Henson proposed a motion to endorse Lisa Fragala for Oregon House District 8. The motion did not receive a second and did not go forward.

Reports from Labor Council/Chapter Representatives:

-Michael Funke, Central Oregon Labor Chapter (COLC) reported: Endorsed petition to increase the size of the Deschutes County Board Of Commissioners, endorsed Phil Chang, Deschutes County Commissioner. The COLC recommended that the Oregon AFL-CIO endorse the Just Cause measure if it is on the ballot. This is a proposed ballot measure petition that is circulating and that, if passed, would put a version of just cause into law. The Bulletin workers joined the NewsGuild, a CWA affiliate.

-Bob Rossi, Marion-Polk-Yamhill Central Labor Chapter, reported that the Chapter is expected to merge with the Linn-Benton-Lincoln Central Labor Chapter this Spring. Elissa and Bob will keep their NWU seats in the merged body. The Woodburn Freedom School Project is supported by the Marion-Polk-Yamhill Central Labor Chapter and the Woodburn Education Association. Other sponsors are welcome, including the NWU. Bob requested books and materials for the project, including copies of the banned books.
Report on National Union activities:

Kacey Carpenter reported on National Union activities including collaboration with Dan McCrory, Book Division Chair, and the NWU New Logo Survey. Please complete the survey by Wednesday, March 13th.

Our next meeting will be Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 4:00 PM.

The meeting ended at 5:29 PM.

Notes from November 12, 2023 General Membership Meeting

President Marty Hart-Landsberg opened the meeting at 4:03 PM. Those present did introductions.

Meeting minutes: approved.

Treasurer’s report: Treasurer and Webmaster Lura Frazey reported that we have $7266.54. A dues rebate arrived on September 20, 2023.

Marty gave an update on NWU growth, challenges and needs, and announced that our union’s Delegate Assembly will be held in New York in June. Marty is participating in national meetings of chapter presidents, and he and Chapter Secretary Bob Rossi recently participated in an NWU listening committee that asked us questions and provided us with updates on the growth the union is experiencing, the challenges this presents us with, the possibility of restructuring, and the Delegate Assembly. Our focus of growth is among freelancers. NWU has hired a consultant who is working on our logo and website and a part-time communications person. The desire is for more horizontal communication within NWU and the ability to fully integrate people into NWU when they join. Solidarity with other unions is increasing. NWU has taken the lead in the labor movement in demanding a ceasefire in Israel/Palestine and this has brought focus to how decision-making is done within our NWU. Our union has been drifting but there is lots of new energy, many new young members, and a new openness. We will need to elect a Delegate Assembly representative. A notice will be issued by our national office about eight weeks before the Assembly.

A discussion followed this report that raised questions about the occupational structures (divisions) within NWU, union bylaws, the Delegate Assembly, and upcoming meetings. Marty will continue to report.

Oregon NWU Chapter Elections: Stefan Ostrach will draft and have sent out a notification that nominations are opening for Chapter officers who will serve from January, 2024, until the spring of 2025. We will be electing the following:

Steering Committee Members (up to 5 positions)

To be eligible for nomination and to vote, you must be a member in good standing of the National Writers Union residing in Oregon. Eligible members will receive this notice. Members may nominate themselves or nominate another member. Nominations will close on December 1,2023, at 5:00 pm. Stefan will contact all nominees. Voting will be via email. Stefan, who will not be a candidate for any office, will serve as Election Supervisor. Pat Riggs-Henson will call through our member list. Lura will create the necessary email accounts. Questions can be directed to Stefan at 541-912-7187. If he doesn’t answer, please be sure to leave a voice mail message, and he will return your call.

Pat raised a question about what our NWU national officers do for us. Marty responded by further reporting on NWU growth and the problems the union is having functioning.

Program Committee: Kacey Carpenter, Marty, and other interested members will meet to form a Program Committee to invite authors to present their work to our meetings. Kacey offered to present on his work at an upcoming meeting.

AFL-CIO and our Oregon NWU Chapter: We discussed our relations with the Oregon AFL-CIO and the AFL-CIO’s Labor Chapters and Councils after hearing a report from Pat. Bob Rossi asked for more direction and unity in our work in these areas. Bob will convene a meeting with those interested.

Next Meeting: Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, January 14 at 4:00 PM.

The meeting ended at 5:10 PM.

Notes from June 4, 2023 General Membership Meeting

Oregon Chapter of the National Writers Union (NWU)

The meeting opened at 4:04 PM.

Minutes from the previous March meeting were approved.

Chapter President Marty Hart-Landsberg provided the following updates:

  1. We are affiliated with the Oregon AFL-CIO and our dues are paid up to January of 2024
  2. We have NWU signs and buttons available. Please contact Marty if you can use these. We will need some for the coming Oregon AFL-CIO convention
  3. We should promote our Oregon Labor Media and Resources page and keep it updated

It was also suggested that we provide a link to our page to the Oregon AFL-CIO website.

Bob Rossi reported on the recent Oregon AFL-CIO organizing conference. There was not much there for freelancers and writers, but a four-page handout from one of the workshops did highlight the steps taken in the successful union campaign run by the NewsGuild at the L.A. Times. There were interesting discussions. Liz Shuler, President of the AFL-CIO, addressed the body. The Writers Guild strike was mentioned many times.

Pat Riggs-Henson reported on the Lane County Labor Council, the restructuring taking place in the Council, the campaign being run by the UFCW against Representative Paul Holvey, and the coming Labor Day picnic. We discussed the viability of Central Labor Councils and Chapters and how these might meet the challenges of the 2024 elections.

Elissa Edge reported on the Marion-Polk-Yamhill Central Labor Chapter (MPYCLC). Officers are needed. Virtual meetings worked better than the MPYCLC’s face-to-face meetings do. Bob Rossi supported the report and talked about the recent Salem-Keizer School Board elections. Pat Riggs-Henson suggested that a plan for the MPYCLC could include quarterly face-to-face meetings.

Michael Funke reported on labor activism in central Oregon. Labor has had some political victories there. The St. Charles Medical Center nurses may strike. The Oregon Nurses Association is running workplace and community campaigns there. Michael has a blog and podcast that the Chapter lists on our website.

Lura Frazey gave the treasurer’s report. We have not received a financial report from the national union office. Our Oregon AFL-CIO dues are paid. We do not have confirmation that our donation to the Portland tenants rights effort has been processed.

Marty Hart-Landsberg reported that the Oregon AFL-CIO convention will be held in Bend on September 21-23. We need to find out how many delegates we are entitled to and get this information out to our members quickly. Pat Riggs-Henson and Jay Wells expressed interest in attending the convention as delegates. We need literature for our table. Pat and Marty will work on developing literature. We need to know what our convention expenses will be.

Notes from March 12, 2023 General Membership Meeting

Oregon Chapter of the National Writers Union (NWU)

Three people attended the meeting. Two officers sent word that they could not attend. The meeting opened at 4:00 PM.

  1. Introductions were done.
  2. It was moved, seconded and carried that the minutes from our previous meeting be approved.
  3. Oregon AFL-CIO affiliation: It was reported that out affiliation is still in motion. Michael Funke was appointed to represent our Chapter on the Central Oregon Labor Chapter (COLC). Michael discussed the COLC presence in central Oregon. Michael does a podcast. Elissa Edge reported on the work of the Marion-Polk-Yamhill Central Labor Chapter (MPYCLC). Elissa Edge was appointed to represent our Chapter on the MPYCLC. Marty Hart-Landsberg will send a letter certifying Michael Funke as our representative to the COLC.
  4. Eviction Representation for All: It was moved, seconded and carried that we donate $50.00 towards the purchase of a statement in the voter’s pamphlet supporting the Eviction Representation for All measure.
  5. Chapter building: It was reported that Marty Hart-Landsberg and Bob Rossi recently met with a Portland-based freelancer regarding NWU. It was decided that Marty Hart-Landsberg and Michael Funke will follow up with another pro-labor freelancer. We hope to organize a Zoom meeting with 3-6 freelancers. Making personal connections with freelancers are necessary for Chapter growth.
  6. Fair Shot Oregon: Supporting the Fair Shot Oregon campaigns was raised. Marty Hart-Landsberg and Michael Funke will follow up.
  7. Legislative attacks on journalists and other writers in Florida: Such attacks could come to Oregon. These are attacks on all writers and on freedom of expression.
  8. Getting an article about our Chapter in The Northwest Labor Press: Michael Funke will follow up.
  9. Discussion on our Chapter e-mail and social media: It was suggested that we should forward Oregon AFL-CIO e-mails to our Chapter members or ask the Oregon AFL-CIO to add NWU members to their lists. No decision was made.
  10. Our Chapter’s labor resources list: It was agreed in principle to add to our list.
  11. Discussion on our Chapter using labor media: A freelancer and Bob Rossi may appear on Michael Funke’s podcast.
  12. Chapter tee-shirts: This project has been tabled.

Michael Funke would like to talk to NWU members in central Oregon about local activism. Michael can be reached at

The meeting closed at 5:00 PM.

Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, May 14 at 4:00 PM. The Zoom information is as follows:

The Zoom link and related connection information is as follows:

Meeting ID: 868 3316 9280

Passcode: 433196

One tap mobile:

+12532158782,,86833169280#,,,,*433196# US (Tacoma)

 Dial by your location:  +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 868 3316 9280

Passcode: 433196

Bob Rossi

Chapter Secretary

Notes from January 8, 2023 General Membership Meeting

National Writers Union Oregon Chapter

The meeting opened at 4:18 PM with 5 people present.

We began the meeting with introductions.

Marty Hart-Landsberg reported on the following:

1.       He had good initial contact with the leadership of the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the National Writers Union. Additional follow-up is needed.

2.       Our Chapter previously endorsed Measure 114. That is now in the courts. We also endorsed the Eviction Representation for All measure in Multnomah County. That measure is headed to the May ballot in Multnomah County.

The Chapter is open to endorsing issues brought forward by Chapter members. Please send in your suggestions and Chapter leadership will try to respond within one week.

Lura Frazey reported that the Chapter has $7372.13 in hand. Our $100 donation to the HarperCollins strike fund has not been processed through NWU. The strike continues.

Discussion on Oregon NWU Chapter tee-shirts. It was suggested that we produce a Chapter tee-shirt with our union logo and a state map. Bob Rossi will coordinate with Elissa Edge and Pat Riggs-Henson. We need a camera-ready graphic from our national union.

Discussion of Oregon AFL-CIO affiliation. It was moved, seconded, and carried that we affiliate with the Oregon AFL-CIO. Sister Pat Riggs-Henson offered to be our delegate. Delegates serve between Oregon AFL-CIO conventions Our President will appoint a delegate. If members are interested in serving in this capacity, please notify Brother Hart-Landsberg before our March meeting. Brother Hart-Landsberg will notify our national union of our decision to affiliate. A copy of our affiliation letter will be included with these minutes.

Discussion of our reading of What 1930s Radicals Totally Knew: Scott Borchert on the Federal Writers’ Project by Scott Borchert and Susie Day.

Members are invited to suggest readings for discussion at our meetings. These should be on-line and accessible. If you have a reading to suggest, please notify us before our March meeting.

Our meeting closed at 5:30 PM.

Our meeting schedule is as follows:

        Mar 12, 2023 04:00 PM
        May 14, 2023 04:00 PM
        Jul 9, 2023 04:00 PM
        Sep 10, 2023 04:00 PM
        Nov 12, 2023 04:00 PM
        Jan 14, 2024 04:00 PM
        Mar 10, 2024 04:00 PM

The link to these meetings is:

Meeting ID: 861 8655 5977
Passcode: 735400

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,86186555977#,,,,*735400# US
+12532050468,,86186555977#,,,,*735400# US

Dial by your location
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 861 8655 5977

Notes from November 13, 2022 Steering Committee Meeting

Oregon NWU Chapter Steering Committee Meeting

Present: Elissa, Stefan, Lura, Marty, Bob

We discussed our organizing capacity and building our chapter. After lengthy discussion the following decisions were made:

1. Continue to meet and invite people into the processes of getting to know one another, finding common interests and common work.

2. Remain independent as a chapter within the National Writers Union.

3. Meet every other month and do shared readings and discussions of the readings.

4. Stay connected to other NWU chapters.

5. Have Oregon NWU tee-shirts made (Marty, Elissa, Bob)

6. Possible support for the strike at HarperCollins: making a donation, leafleting (Marty, Bob)

7. Our first reading will be: We will discuss this at our next meeting.

Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, Jan. 8 at 4:00 PM. Our meetings will be informal, with a fling-the-doors-open approach. Members and friends can gather in a coffee shop and participate together.