Meeting Minutes from April 14, 2024 Members Meeting

April 14, 2024 by Kacey Carpenter, agenda and slides

Marty Hart-Landsberg, Chair opened the meeting at 4:05 PM. 

Welcome and introductions: Marty Hart-Landsberg, Michael Funke, Bob Rossi, Kacey Carpenter, Lura Frazey, Zachariah O’Keeffe

Marty reviewed our meeting agenda

Kacey Carpenter, Secretary shared Meeting Minutes March 10, 2024: Approved

Marty shared our proposed future meeting schedule and format that would be the second Sunday alternate months from 4:00 – 5:30 pm. The meeting will combine the Writers Corner with the Members Meeting agenda. Members agreed with the proposal.

Kacey provided a digital tools update.

Treasurer’s report: Lura Frazey, Treasurer and Webmaster reported that we have $7436

Chapter Endorsement Discussion. Bob Rossi led our Chapter Endorsement discussion with reasons for “why not” and “why” for endorsements summarized in the  Endorsement discussion notes. We all discussed the issues. Bob volunteered to convene a meeting with NWU folks and Portland Mercury workers, who are members of the new Index Media Union (NewsGuild-CWA). Zachariah volunteered to engage with some of the local writers and artists he is talking with to help us bring in more people.  

Delegate Assembly: Marty reported on the Delegate Assembly

  • Revised bylaws
  • NWU National is planning a Delegate Assembly in late summer or early fall with a delegate election process coming soon. Chapter Chairs are automatically included in the Delegate Assembly.
  • Election process planned for NWU with 2-year terms
  • New committee formed for Solidarity / Political Education 
  • Marty is also part of a new NWU web page redesign committee
  • New logo with NWU merchandize planned for shirts, hats, hoodies

Reports from Labor Council/Chapter Representatives:

  • Michael Funke, Central Oregon Labor Chapter (COLC) reported: canvassing for local candidate, school levy, and general political stuff.
  • Bob Rossi, Marion-Polk-Yamhill Central Labor Chapter, reported that the goal to combine the two chapters across 6 counties is going well. Bob is supporting the Freedom School Project to support teachers with liberal approach.  

Member meet ups.  Marty proposed we plan an in-person meetup in Salem. We discussed and agreed it would be a good idea to approve a budget for food to encourage turnout and foster relationships. Bob volunteered to help support and Laura volunteered to help plan it. 

Our next meeting will be Sunday, May 19 2024 at 4:00 PM  (the Sunday following Mother’s Day), featuring the Writers Corner with Gus Frederick. Stay tuned for more details.

The meeting ended at 5:20 PM.