March 10, 2024 by Kacey Carpenter, agenda and slides
Lura Frazey, Treasurer opened the meeting at 4:00 PM.
Members did introductions.
The Writers Corner Program:
-Kacey Carpenter provided a brief overview of the The Writers Corner Program with Sean Weeks, our speaker today, and two speakers on Sunday, May 19, 2024, David D. Levine at 4:00 PM and Gus Frederick at 4:30 PM.
-Sean Weeks delivered his presentation “In the Land of the Blind” with this video recording, followed by questions and appreciation, and discussion of next steps.
Meeting Minutes November 12, 2023: Approved
Treasurer’s report:
-Treasurer Lura Frazey reported that we have at least $7266.54 (pending recent membership dues).
Chapter election results: Stefan Ostrach acted as elections officer in December 2023. There were no opposition candidates nominated resulting in the election of
-Chair: Marty Hart-Landsberg
-Treasurer: Lura Frazey
-Secretary: Bob Rossi
-Steering Committee: Pat Riggs-Henson
-Steering Committee: Kacey Carpenter
Pat Riggs-Henson proposed a motion to approve Kacey Carpenter in the Secretary role. It was approved with one opposed.
-Chair: Marty Hart-Landsberg
-Treasurer: Lura Frazey
-Secretary: Kacey Carpenter
-Webmaster: Lura Frazey
-Steering Committee member: Pat Riggs-Henson
Chapter Endorsements: Pat and Bob led discussion about the importance of NWU Oregon Chapter endorsements and the special circumstances for endorsements. Our chapter previously made endorsements for local issues but not for candidates. It was discussed that we need an endorsement process for the future but due to the circumstances of the cancellation of our January members meeting due to the storm and power outages it was decided to consider endorsing a limited number of candidates.
-Pat Riggs-Henson proposed a motion for a “special circumstances” process that would be limited to this one-time-only situation. The motion passed.
-Pat Riggs-Henson proposed a motion to endorse both Val Hoyle for Oregon Congressional District 4 and James Manning for Oregon Secretary of State. The motion was seconded and passed by the members.
-Pat Riggs-Henson proposed a motion to endorse Lisa Fragala for Oregon House District 8. The motion did not receive a second and did not go forward.
Reports from Labor Council/Chapter Representatives:
-Michael Funke, Central Oregon Labor Chapter (COLC) reported: Endorsed petition to increase the size of the Deschutes County Board Of Commissioners, endorsed Phil Chang, Deschutes County Commissioner. The COLC recommended that the Oregon AFL-CIO endorse the Just Cause measure if it is on the ballot. This is a proposed ballot measure petition that is circulating and that, if passed, would put a version of just cause into law. The Bulletin workers joined the NewsGuild, a CWA affiliate.
-Bob Rossi, Marion-Polk-Yamhill Central Labor Chapter, reported that the Chapter is expected to merge with the Linn-Benton-Lincoln Central Labor Chapter this Spring. Elissa and Bob will keep their NWU seats in the merged body. The Woodburn Freedom School Project is supported by the Marion-Polk-Yamhill Central Labor Chapter and the Woodburn Education Association. Other sponsors are welcome, including the NWU. Bob requested books and materials for the project, including copies of the banned books.
Report on National Union activities:
Kacey Carpenter reported on National Union activities including collaboration with Dan McCrory, Book Division Chair, and the NWU New Logo Survey. Please complete the survey by Wednesday, March 13th.
Our next meeting will be Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 4:00 PM.
The meeting ended at 5:29 PM.