Notes from September 10, 2023 General Membership Meeting

Oregon NWU Chapter Meeting Minutes

The meeting was opened at 4:05 PM by Chapter President Marty Hart-Landsberg.

1. The meeting began with a presentation by Julia Allen on her work and writing. Her presentation was followed by questions and discussion.

2. Brief reports were given on Labor Day events that took place around the state.

3. Treasurer’s Report was given by Lura Frazey who reported that we have approximately $7000 in our account at the national office.

4. AFL-CIO Convention: We discussed a resolution that will come before the convention taking up reproductive justice measure and support for it. We also discussed how best to use our new flyers at the convention to boost our visibility and our membership.

5. Web page: Marty Hart-Landsberg encouraged us to make use of web page to highlight our work and to direct potential new members to the national union webpage where they can sign-up.  Suggestions for improvement of our webpage are welcome.

6. Writers Groups: We have begun building a list of writers groups and meetings that we can use to boost our visibility and membership.  We should be able to make use of our flyers to craft messages or advertisements.  We discussed forming a committee to help with this work.  Lura Frazey offered to create a spreadsheet so that we can keep track of our efforts.

7.  We discussed the possibility of creating a special committee to work with young writers, helping to build community, offering ideas, or possibly directing them to resources within the national union if they become members.

8. Our next meeting is November 12, 4 pm.

The meeting closed at 5:28 PM.